Friday reFlections #FrF Deepening & Dimensioning

deep in their rootsImagine the future, optimistic and ideal. I am passionate about the story, the narrative and the happy ending. I know this isn’t always possible, but I like to cling to this hope. It is the light that keeps me going. It is the search for more opportunities that generates sparks. It is the continuous celebration of imagination.

I love the opportunity to think about deepening and dimensioning. I find myself picking up pieces from here and there, meeting people who bring me to another dimension and searching for ways to create depth while deepening my understanding to make impact.

It is complex to think about deepening and dimensioning. Although it wouldn’t be unlike me to be overthinking it…

How do I think about deepening without overdoing it? Can deepening happen when you aren’t focusing on it? Is deepening the insight that’s needed to make things happen? Deepening is being open to explore and being in uncertainty when it is time to play.

How might I think about dimensioning as a tool for gaining more perspective? How do I think about the edges? the fringes? and the places where I belong? Dimensioning is a way of looking from the outside in, and the inside out, to get a sense of what is going on from all angles. It is a way of gaining empathy and where I seek comfort.

Being in constant chase of adventure and experience.


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