
Last month, my gym introduced Zumba. I didn’t know much about it and usually I dislike exercise that shows off how little rhythm I have; I can barely clap to a beat. During my first Zumba class, I was already behind, everyone else had done it at least once so I was expecting to be grossly embarrassed. And I was! But that’s ok.

Zumba is a danced based exercise class, it is like hip-hop and salsa got together and had a baby. It is a great exercise class, because it is follow the leader style and it disguises the work you are actually doing. The class doesn’t need previous skill, it rewards people for letting go and is just plain way too much fun! As the month progressed, I found myself registering for every Zumba class I could make it to. I had no idea how much I would end up loving Zumba.

There are a few things that make Zumba awesome;

  • you MUST accept that you will look ridiculous
  • you gotta put your hips into it
  • the more you smile, the better you look
  • when you don’t know the moves, just keep dancing
  • the more you put in, the more you get out of it

And like I said before, gym class is where I get some of my best ideas. Well here’s another one. Wouldn’t it be great if when you are interviewing people to join your organization, that they have to take a Zumba class first! How many people are looking at my thinking I have lost it? No, seriously! I want to know that whoever is joining me can be put into an awkward situation, fumble through it, figure out their way and come out still laughing. Right now, my team has veto’d this idea, but be warned it may surface again 🙂

Inspire Yourself!


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