Kindness of strangers

It was a simple gesture, it happened without so much as a word exchanged, it would be easy to forget, and yet it really made an impression on me.

While exploring the streets of Hanoi, we made it to an intersection and paused as the motorcycles and cars whizzed past us. We attempted inching forward, but as this was our first night out, our moves were tentative and noticeably different than the locals. An older woman spotted us and with a smile and a gentle nod she motioned at us to cross the street with her. She looked both ways and then slowly began our crossing. She kept her eye on us and the traffic and once she made sure we were safe, she smiled and went on her way.

How often do we do a little extra for someone else? How much do we appreciate when someone else does? Can’t we all just do a little bit more?

Inspire Yourself!


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